The Quran is the Word of God revealed through the Angel Gabriel to the final Prophet, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The beautiful words of the Quran go straight to the heart if read with an open mind. Many people have remarked how calming and peaceful listening to recitation of the Quran is. While reading, it makes you feel as if God is speaking and acknowledging you directly. How is this possible? Why are people so attracted to the guidance and soothing words found within the Quran? The answer lies in the fact that God provided it as source of mercy and guidance to all mankind. Let’s explore ways Quran establishes itself as a Divine Revelation from the Almighty Creator to all of mankind: 1. Quran is Only One One of the miracles of the Quran and a sign to its authenticity is the fact it remains unedited without a single verse changed. While you can find many translations of the Quran, those translations are based on the original and unedited Arabic text. There is no such ...