1. According to Islamic teaching, no bearer of sin that can bear the burden of another. Whoever does an atom weight of good shall see it. And whoever does an atom weight of evil, shall see it. No priest, not Jesus, nor Mohammad (S.A.W) can bear the sins for us. It is a doctrine of laziness, and self-deception to believe that someone else’s sufferings, and death shall atone for our sins. Jesus did not teach that. These were the teachings of the pagan cults prevalent in the Mediterranean region, long before Jesus came. 2. ATTIS of Phrygia later called Galatia in Asia Minor, present day turkey. 3. Adonis of Syria, Dionysius or Bacchus of Greece, Mithras of Persia, and Osiris, and Horus of Egypt were all pagans’ gods, with legends about redemption, adornment, and resurrection very similar to those ascribed to Jesus. FOR EXAMPLE i. ATTIS was born of a virgin named Na...