If you insisted your modern books is the one Quran refereed us boom give us a verse where Jesus or the Biblical writers with help of Holyspirit named your book Bible?

Noise maker give me a verse where your book is named Bible?

Or please show which Bool did Quran refer us too?

Since you failed to preserved and you promoted alteration and tempering century by century.

1. We have 61 Books in the Syrianic Version.

2. We have 66 Books in the Protestant Version.

3. We have 73 Books in the Roman Catholic


4. We have 75 Books in the Coptic Version.

5. We have 76 Books in the Charismatic Version.

6. We have 78 Books in the Greek Orthodox


7. We have 81 Books in the Ethiopic Version.

8. We have 86 Books in the Orthodox Version.


9. We have the Satanic Bible or Version.

10. We have King James Version of 1611.

11. We have New King James Version.

12. We have Revised Standard Version of 1952.

13. We have Revised Standard Version of 1971.

14. We have International Standard Version.

15. We have New International Standard Version.

16. We have the Living Bible.

17. We have the Good News Bible.

18. We have the New American Bible.

19. We have Lost Book of the Bible and Forgotten

Book of Eden.

20. We have the Anglican Bible.

21. We have the Gospel of Barnabas rejected by

the Christians.

22. We have the New word Translation of the

Scripture used by the Jehovah Witness.

23. We have Every Day Bible.

24. We have English Bible.

25. We have New English Bible.

26. We have Capocriptial Bible.

27. We have Amplified Bible.

28. We have Jerusalem Bible.

29. We have American Bible.

30. We have Malay Bible.

31. We have Authorised the Standard Version of


32. We have the Authorised Standard Version of


33. We have Mormon Bible.

34. We have Today Bible.

35. We have the Holy Bible.

36. We have English Standard Version.

37. We have Gideo Bible.

38. We have Cherry Picked Bible.

39. We have Today and Tomorrow Bible.

40. We have the Roman Catholic Duay Version of

the Bibles. 

41.The Gay Bible.

42.Queen James version. 

43.Women Bible

44.Nigerian Bible

45.Scofield Bible


All these are Bibles.

Which among these Bibles is the divine

revelation from God Almighty to Jesus Christ?


“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

“And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev. 22:18–19.)


Bible has been written and re-written several times over a period of many centuries. (This information has been derived from the books and encyclopedias).

-1. 3300 years ago the absolute original Torah must have been in Hebrew language which is a sister language of Arabic. But it was reduced to writing some 200 years after Moses.

-2. 2000 years ago the absolute original Gospel must have been in Aramaic language which was also sister language of Arabic. But it was reduced to writing some forty to eighty years after Jesus.

-3. 200 years after Moses, the Torah was first reduced to writing. In it were included the Ten Commandments, Songs, some prophetic sayings of Prophet Jacob and Moses and some legislative religious text.

-4. Then Royal Jewish writers kept on adding.

-5. 300 years after Moses, YAHVISTIC version of Bible appeared.

-6. 350 years after Moses ELOHISTIC version of Bible appeared.

-7. 500 years after Moses the Books of Amos, Hosea Michah and Deuteronomy were added to YAHVISTIC version of Bible (Torah)

-8. 580 years after Moses a SECER-DOTAL version also appeared. Now there were three parallel versions.

-9.700 years after Moses-amalgamation of YAHVISTIC,ELOHISTIC and SECER-DOTAL versions took place.

-10. 725 years after Moses, Book of LAMENTATIONS was added.

-11. 750 years after Moses, Books of ZEPHANIAH, NAHUM, HAGGI, ZECHARIA, ISAIAH, MALACHI and DANIEL were added.

-12. 820 years after Moses, Book of PROVERBS was added.

-13. 850 years after Moses, Book of JOB was added.

-14. 1000 years after Moses, Jewish scholars of Alexandria decided to rewrite the text of Torah out of the existing various texts in one language-Greek.

Seventy scholars rewrote it therefore this version is known in history as SEPTUAGINT.

-15. 1000 years after Moses, Book of ECCLESIASTES was added.

-16. 1100 years after Moses, Books of CHRONICLES, EZRA and NEHEMIAH were added.

-17. 1300 years after Prophet Moses came Prophet Jesus.

-18. 15 A.D, 23 Books of Paul and of other writers appeared though Paul and those others who wrote the Epistles were not equal to prophets. Yet their writings are included in the Bible.

-19. During 40 A.D. to 80 A.D. hundreds of Gospels appeared

-20. 325 A.D. only 4 Gospels out of many were retained by King Constantine of Constantinople (now Istanbul)

-21. 700 A.D. This time a Latin version appeared called the VOLGATE version. (By now YAHVISTIC. ELOHISTIC,SECER-DOTAL and VOLGATE versions had appeared).

-22. 1605 A.D. Pope Clement VIII accepted the VOLGATE version. Others were rejected.

-23. 1870 A.D. Vatican Council again revised the Bible.

-24. 1962 A.D. Second Vatican Council again revised it.

-25. 1978 A.D. Some hundred scholars from world over took the task to scrutinize and revise the Bible text and called it - Holy Bible- New International Version.

-26. 1983 A.D. Before the ink was dry, it was again revised.

-27. Thus there were a number of Bible texts YAHVISTIC ELOHISTIC, SECER-DOTAL and VOLGATE versions. Because they were multilingual and complicated, therefore their authenticity was questionable. Hebrew, Arabic, Latin, Syriac, Greek and even Arabic versions were in use. The fusion of all these texts and languages into one text certainly created the problem of authenticity. Compromises 

and adjustments were made in the Canon - the ecclesiastic text. Bible had always remained vulnerable. The human element in writing it is considerable. It has been written arbitrarily over a long period of time adding texts in pieces and bits.

“Ye have perverted the words of the living God. . .” (Jeremiah 23:36)

“How can you say, ‘We are wise, and  the law of the Lord is with us’? But,  behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.” (Jeremiah 8:8)

” And the Lord said to me: “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name; I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds.” (Jeremiah 14:14)

Even Jesus admits the Scribes omitted things from the Bible;

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. ” (Matthew 23:23)

Reality: Interestingly the Christians confess the Bible writers were corrupt, how then can we trust that they were corrupt in some religious matters and not others. Furthermore, the scribes specify that their “pens” turned the words of God into lies.

Shalom!, Assalamu Alaikum!,  Peace be uphold you!


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