The Word of God in both the Bible and the Qur'an establishes only God is the Saviour (eg Isaiah 43:11). The words of Paul and other men established something contradictory to this. So, only the Word of God should be followed, not the words of men.
Jesus Christ didn't ever say that he was a saviour but there is salvation in obeying what he and other Prophets taught. That is why Jesus Christ said in Matthew 19: 16-17 that "IF YOU WOULD ENTER LIFE, OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS". He and other Prophets came to teach the Commandments or Law from God. Unfortunately, some people that claim that they follow Jesus Christ are not actually obeying his basic and direct teaching. They follow the misleads of Paul and other men instead.
Luke 16: 19-29 relates the story of a rich man, a poor man Lazarus and Abraham who met in heaven. Lazarus stayed in Heaven with Abraham while the rich man was in hell. The rich man then persuaded Abraham to send Lazarus to assist him with a drop of water, Abraham said NO. The rich man then asked Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers still on earth in order to correct them to do good. Abraham answered: "THEY HAVE MOSES AND THE PROPHETS; LET THEM HEAR THEM". This means that it is the duty of the Prophets, not only Jesus Christ, to call the people to salvation on earth.
Those who believe that "only belief in the blood of Jesus Christ can save" or "Jesus Christ is the only saviour" should have a rethink now before it is late. Jesus Christ didn't establish that wrong belief, it came from antiChrist Paul. The same Paul was a Pharisee (Acts 26: 5) and a persecutor of Christ's followers (Acts 26: 9-11) when Jesus Christ was around. The way Paul's teaching contradicts the Christ's teaching confirmed that Satan sent Paul, not Jesus Christ. To confirm that this group of the people are not doing the right thing, Jesus Christ warned them in Matthew 7: 21-23 to come back to do the Will of God or he will disown them hereafter.
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