Another Verse that Confused PAULINE

 Another Verse that Confused PAULINE 

 Are they following all Gods * ❓

1- Jesus said I AM. John 8:58

2- Abraham said I AM. Genesis 22:11

3- Moses said I AM. Exodus 3:4

4- A Beggar said I AM. John 9:9

5- All the Disciples said I AM. Matt 26:22

6- Paul said I AM. 1 Corinth. 15:10

7- Merely saying I Am, As the God said I AM. Exodus 3:14.means God 

" They all of the above are Gods❓

* Jesus said Before Abraham was I Am. John 8:58

This is Another quotation which christians bring to show divinity of Jesus. 

Let Analyze this verse ; The reasons christians give that Christ claimed divinity here are :;

A- They will say Jesus existed be Abraham *

B- I am is the name of God in the bible. Exodus 3:14. Let Analyze both the Reasons. 

A- If Jesus Existed before Abraham that does not make him " God " in anyway because even Angels Existed before Abraham and Jesus, They Existed before the world was created. Does it make them God ❓" NO " Jesus was with God before Abraham , but in what from ❓was he like a handsome young man moving around and then God reduced him to a small baby and put him in his mother's Womb ❓" NO NO " It means in the knowledge of God we all were there. Jeremiah is said to have been made a prophet before his birth. The bible says " Before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb i sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nation. Jeremiah 1:5

In islam, we share somewhat a similar belief. The Qur'an says: " When the lord drew forth from the children of Adam - from their loins-their descendants, and made them testify concerning themselves, (saying) " Am I not your lord ( who cherishes and sustains you )❓" They said " YEA!  We do testify " (this) lest you should say on the day of judgment: " Of this we were never mindful. Qur'an 7:172

B- The christians claim that " I am " is the name of God in the bible in Exodus 3:14. The verse Reads:- And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you Exodus 3:14 " Jesus said unto them, verily, verily i say unto you, before Abraham was, "God" ( I am ) we have no objection in agreeing that God was there before Abraham. If Jesus was claiming divinity here. He should have at least remained consistent in the usage of word. Exo 3:14 the word of "I am" is "Hawyaw" where as the word of in john 8:58 is "Ego Eimi" this is sufficient to prove that in john 8:58 Jesus did not claim Divinity.


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