“ YOU can fool some of the people all the time; you can fool all the people some of the time; but, you can't fool all the people all the time.”
— Abraham Lincoln.
It's just a matter of time when the truth shall be unveiled, in spite of, all efforts by the Christian global council to bury truth.
It's apparent, from all available investigations that the reason why the early Council removed the Gospel of Barnabas from the canonical Gospels, is simply because, of the coming of the holy Prophet Muhammed, foretold by his predessessor, the holy Prophet Isa, Jesus the last Jewish prophet, and messiah to the Israelites (Barnabas 55:19) and Mathew 15:24.
Based on the authentic resource books at my disposal, the Gospel of Barnabas was included in the Canonical Gospels, and widely used in Churches between the 2nd and 3rd century and beyond, before Greco-Roman paganism ( Trinitarianism ) under the authority of Emperor Constantine, Tertullian, Alexander, etc, was forcibly imposed on the Churches, and consequently, those who refused to accept the new creed were put to death.
Barnabas a Jew born in Cypress, a foremost disciple of Prophet Jesus, known as Jose, and given a surname "Barnabas" by his co-disciple due to his significant role in the group.
The canonical and non canonical Gospels were written after the death of the holy Prophet Jesus, similar, to the process the hadith of the holy Prophet Muhammed was also documented.
Unequivocally, the Gospel of Barnabas is not infallible unlike, the canonical gospels of Mark, Mathew, Luke, and John, because, certainly, the book aligns with the import of the holy Qu'ran on the facts surrounding Jesus and Muhammed.
However, since, I have embarked on writing this episodes, on the Prophethood of Muhammed in the bible, the series had received mixed and to an extent hostile reactions from critics from some individuals among the people of the book. Such is expected, due to the nature of man, especially, in a situation where falsehood has become a norm in the society. Besides, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.
At this juncture, below in verbatim, are the stages through which the gospel of Barnabas survived extinction till this day in a library in Vienna.
The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 A.D. Iranaeus wrote in support of pure monotheism and opposed Paul for injecting into Christianity doctrines of the pagan Roman religion and Platonic philosophy. He had quoted extensively from the Gospel of Barnabas in support of his views. This shows that the Gospel of Barnabas was in circulation in the first and second centuries of Christianity.
In 325 A.D., the Nicene Council was held, where it was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed. An Edict was issued that anyone in possession of these Gospels will be put to death.
In 383 A.D., the Pope secured a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas and kept it in his private library. In the fourth year of Emperor Zeno (478 A.D.), the remains of Barnabas were discovered and there was found on his breast a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas written by his own hand. (Acia Sanctorum Boland Junii Tom II. Pages 422 and 450, Antwerp 1698)
1698). The famous Vulgate Bible appears to be based on this gospel.
Pope Sixtus (1585-90) had a friend, Fra Marino. He found the Gospel of Barnabas in the private library of the Pope. Fra Marino was interested because he had read the writings of
Iranaeus where Barnabas had been profusely quoted.The Italian manuscript passed through different hands till it reached “a person of great name and authority” in Amsterdam, “who during his life time was often heard to put a high value to this piece". After his death it came in the possession of J. E. Cramer a Councillor of the King of Prussia.
In 1713 Cramer presented this manuscript to the famous connoisseur of books, Prince Eugene of Savoy. In 1738 along with the library of the Prince it found its way into Hofbibliothek in Vienna. There it now rests.
Toland, in his “Miscellaneous Works” (published posthumously in 1747) in Vol. I, page 380, mentions that the gospel of Barnabas was still extant. In Chapter XV he refered to the Glasian Decree of 496 A.D, where “Evangelium Barnabae is included in the list of forbidden books. Prior to that, it had been forbidden by Pope Innocent 465 A D, and by the Decree of the Western Churches in 382 A.D due to hypocrisy and falsehood.
The Latin text was translated into English by Mr. And Mrs. Ragg and was printed at the Clarendon Press in Oxford. It was published by the Oxford University Press in 1907. This English translation mysteriously disappeared from the market.Two copies of this translation are known to exist, one in the British Museum and the other in the Library of the Congress Washington.
At this point, I drop my pen.
Thank you for reading,
Peace ✌️
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