Point 3

According to *archeological* and *historical* evidences, this name YHWH was the name of an idol worshipped in the ancient Egypt, Jordan, Canaan etc long before the Jews came into Canaan and eventually borrowed this idol's name as the name of the true God of Abraham! 

In 1957, an archeological team under the archaeologist Michela Schiff Giorgini excavated a site in Egypt and found a reference to a group of people described as “Shasu of Yahweh” at the base of one of the columns of the temple in the hypostyle hall. The temple was built by Amenhotep III (r. 1386-1353 BCE) which was before the time of Prophet Moses (assuming that Moses came in the time of Pharoah Rameses II)! 

Professor Joshua J. Mark pointed out about this:

"The reference to Yahweh established that this god was worshipped by another people LONG BEFORE the time when the events of the biblical narratives are thought to have taken place." (Source: https://www.worldhistory.org/Yahweh/)

Professor Joshua J. Mark reveals:

"Although the biblical narratives depict YAHWEH as the sole creator god, lord of the universe, and god of the Israelites especially, initially he seems to have been CANAANITE IN ORIGIN and subordinate to the supreme god El. CANAANITE INSCRIPTIONS MENTIONED A LESSER God YAHWEH and even the biblical Book of Deuteronomy stipulates that “the Most High, El, gave to the nations their inheritance” and that “Yahweh's portion is his people, Jacob and his allotted heritage” (2:8-9). A passage like this reflects the early beliefs of the Canaanites and Israelites in polytheism or, more accurately, henotheism (the belief in many gods with a focus on a single supreme deity). The claim that Israel always only acknowledged one god is a later belief cast back on the early days of Israel's development in Canaan." (Source: https://www.worldhistory.org/Yahweh/)


More archeological and historical evidences 

As pointed out above, the Canaanites worshipped idols before the Jews entered into the land. Among the idols of the ancient Canaanites was YHWH and his wife Asherah. 

Sometimes after the Jews entered Canaan, they borrowed this name YHWH and started using it as the name of the true God of Abraham. 

Claude Mariotinni is a Professor of the Old Testament at the Baptist Theological Seminary, USA, and pastor of Baptist Church. He pointed out the archeological evidences proving that the ancient Israelites worshipped an idol called YHWH which had a wife called ASHERAH:-

"Kuntillet ‘Ajrud

Kuntillet ‘Ajrud was an ancient caravanserai located in northern Sinai. At Kuntillet ‘Ajrud archaeologists found some important inscriptions dated to the late ninth or early eighth century B.C. in which Yahweh is mentioned in conjunction with Asherah." 

"The image on the left shows Yahweh, the Egyptian god Bes and Asherah playing a musical instrument. One of the inscriptions found at the site reads:

“May you be blessed by Yahweh of Shomron (Samaria) and his Asherah.”

"Since the caravanserai was also a religious site, in which many religious artifacts were found, it is evident that Yahweh and Asherah were worshiped together at that place. A similar inscription was found at Khirbet el-Qom, a place located southwest of Lachish."

"The inscription found at Kuntillet ‘Ajrud seems to indicate that Yahweh and Asherah appear together in a consort relationship. In his book Dever asks the question: “Did God Have a Wife?” Dever answers his own question by saying “Yes, and her name was Asherah.” The evidence discovered at Kuntillet ‘Ajrud and  Khirbet el-Qom indicate that in the eighth century B.C., many Israelites worshiped Asherah as the consort of Yahweh." (Source: https://claudemariottini.com/2019/08/23/did-god-have-a-wife/)


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