Yeshua Hamashiach was not a Christian and did not establish any religion known as Christianity. He lived as a Jew submitter to the wills of God, and His followers were seen as a sect of Judaism throughout His life. His Name is not even Jesus Christ.
Much of what is practiced today in the name of Christianity is just refined idol worship and repackaged paganism. Even the title, Christ, is of Koine Greek origin. The term 'Christian' is a label given to the genuine followers of the Jewish Rabbi known as Yeshua by the townspeople of Antioch-Acts 11:26.
Yeshua never claimed to be God. That is the making of men, like you and I, at the May 325 AD First Council of Nicaea. 1 John 5:7 was altered by Europeans, who did not hide it. That is why all other translations, except the King James Version, have abandoned it, because the original Scriptures do not support it. And in the KJV, there is a reference note to that verse explaining the Johannine Comma.
Much of modern-day Christianity is no different from a business like network marketing. These franchise businesses have turned people into regular addicts of religious products that have little bearing on Scripture. Ask them to justify what they are doing, and they will use philosophy, exegesis, wisdom and church doctrine. Never Scripture. And the most brazen of them will even say more outrageous things. A lot of their members quote them rather than Scripture.
Stop allowing men like me and Daddy GO, Bishop, Archbishop, and others to lead or mislead you. Get Scripture for yourself and read it. Be like the Berean Jews (notice they were called Jews, not Christians, though they believed Paul's Gospel. Hebrew is a race. Judaism is a religion) of Acts 17:11:
"Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word eagerly, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so."
Remember, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”-John 8:32.
1) Jesus Christ was never a christian. None of the Bible prophets was a Christian Not Even Jesus. The word CHRISTIAN was first uttered by pagans as a way of insult to the disciples of Jesus Christ (Acts 11:26).
2. Christianity is based on worshipping Jesus Christ and Jesus never practised Christianity by worshipping himself. All biblical prophets were monotheist submitters of their wills to the Wills of God known in Arabic language as MUSLIM as Jesus also did in John 5:30
3. Jesus Christ did not use the Bible and he didn't even know any book by the name Bible as used by Christians today.
4. Jesus Christ in his entirely never said "God is three-in-one" as done by Christians today and he never said he is God who became man.
5. Jesus Christ in his entire life did not go to the church on Sunday and he did not command anyone to go to church on Sunday as done by Christians today.
6. Jesus never celebrated his birthday. Neither his mother nor his disciples ever celebrated his birthday. But Christians are it as part of their religion and to Jesus isn't a part of such religion.
7.Jesus believed that salvation is by keeping the commandments of God and doing good deeds but Christians believe it is to affirm Christ died for them which Jesus is not part of such doctrine.
8. Jesus was circumcised on the 7th day after his birth but in Christianity, christians are not circumcised.
9. Jesus Christ did not pray to the cross or the statue of himself and his mother as Christians do.
10. Jesus did not eat pork in his lifetime but Christians do eat it.
11. christians celebrate good Friday, palm Sunday which Jesus didn't do and didn't teach anyone to do it!
12.Jesus never asked anyone to worship him but Christians worship him which is the foundation of their Christianity.
Why do Christians keep calling Jesus a liar?
When they say Jesus is God, they mean Jesus lied in John 8:40 where he said "I am a man sent by God"
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