(According to Jewish Rabbi and Jewish Sources)

Genesis 1:26

[...Then God said, “let US make mankind in OUR image"...]


The 'US' or 'OUR' in Genesis 1:26 is a MAJESTIC PLURAL.

It is NOT Trinity. Since Trinity is not real according to Jewish sources:

Sefer HaIkkarim, Maamar 3 23:1

"...Maimonides says in his epistle on resurrection that the expression, 'Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One' is understood by the Jews to mean absolute unity, whereas the Christians interpret it to teach the Trinity..."

Sefer HaIkkarim, Maamar 3 25:7

"...The law of Moses says nothing about trinity because it is not true from the point of view of reason, and the Torah does not inculcate an idea which is not true, such as that one is three and three are one..."


So, again; the 'US' or 'OUR' in Genesis 1:26 is a MAJESTIC PLURAL. This time, Jewish Rabbi and Jewish sources are in agreement with that!

Jerusalem Talmud Sanhedrin 7:8:2

"...Elohim as a PLURAL OF MAJESTY means superior power..."

Jerusalem Talmud Berakhot 9:5:4

"...The name 'God', MAJESTIC PLURAL of ēl 'power', is always interpreted in the Talmud as 'the measure of justice'..."

Tafsir Rasag, Deuteronomy 6:22

"...And We (MAJESTIC PLURAL) showed them great signs and proofs against Pharaoh and his assembly in Our (MAJESTIC PLURAL) presence..." 

(the parenthesis 'MAJESTIC PLURAL' is not my doing. It is really there, in Tafsir Rasag)

'Tafsir' is indeed an Arabic term. But 'Tafsir Rasag' is not created by Muslims. It is a translation and commentary on the Old Testament made by a Jewish Rabbi, Sa'adia ben Yosef Gaon


Saʿadia ben Yosef Gaon himself or "Rabbeinu Sa'adiah Gaon" (Our Rabbi Sa'adia Gaon) was a prominent rabbi, gaon, Jewish philosopher, and exegete who was active in the Abbasid Caliphate.

Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides), another great and respected Jewish Rabbi, once said: "...were it not for Sa'adia, the Torah would almost have disappeared from the midst of Israel. For it was he who made manifest what was obscure therein, made strong what had been weakened, and made it known far and wide by word of mouth and in writing..."

And guess what Saʿadia ben Yosef Gaon said about Genesis 1:26? (“let us make mankind in our image") 

Sa'adia said:

"...The word LET US MAKE has the meaning of the singular even though it is in the plural because it is the PLURAL OF MAJESTY..."


Do you think you are more clever than "Rabbeinu Sa'adiah Gaon"? ... Christians?


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