
When God Death

 WHEN GOD DIED HE DEPENDED ON ANOTHER GOD FOR THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE OF THE UNIVERSE INCLUDING THE ACTIVITIES SURVIVAL OF SATAN. One Of The Dangers Of Christianity Is Believing That God Almighty The Creator Of The Heavens And Earth Can Taste Death Which He Created For His Creation And Still Remain The Almighty God..

I invited you to Islam

 I invite you to Islam. If your god couldn't forgive you without being humiliating, tortured and dragged naked tbrougout the city then know that Allah forgive sins without all that! If your god couldn't have the power to forgive sins except through the blood sacrifice of Jesus, know that Allah is the All-Powerful, Oft-Forgiving and Most-Merciful who  has the power to forgive you anytime you sincerely repent to him.  If salvation can't be achieved except you believe in the blood sacrifice made by your god, know that in Islam salvation is easy and doesn't depend on blood sacrifice or blood ritual! I invite you to Islam! If your god died, then try Allah the Ever-Living who never dies.  If your god couldn't forgive you without blood sacrifice of blood ritual in sacrificing himself or his son, then know that Allah forgive sins without all such blood sacrifice! I invite you to Islam


AN ISRAEL SOLDIER IS APOLOGIZING TO THE PALESTINES(HAMAS) NOT TO KILL HIM,  HE ADMITTED THEY ARE TERRORISTS And he will leave the State of Israel with his entire family if been spared as they reliazed that Bible is the responsible for their #Zionism and #Imperialism THESE TWO SET OF CLOWNS ARE THE PROBLEMS OF THIS WORLD RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ZIONISM AND IMPERIALISM AND RACISM Racism is based on the idea that a certain race of people is naturally superior to others. The distinguishing characteristics of the chosen group are usually defined in terms of physical distinction. i.e.. physiognomy, or cultural distinction, besides a number of other attributes and values, such as, military ingenuity, technological superiority or, as the Zionists claim, divine predestination, leading them to regard themselves as God's chosen people.  The racists, more often than not, claim that the race to which they belong is superior from the biological viewpoint, and it will remain so for ever. It may...

God is not human Never changes.

 God is not human.   God never changes.  Numbers 23:19  19 "God is not human, that He should change His mind."  Psalm 102:27 "But You remain the same, and Your years will never end."  Malachi 3:6 "For I am the Lord, I change not."   But Jesus allegedly changed from God to embryo, to fetus, to newborn to infant to toddler to boy to teenager to man to an alleged corpse to God again ❗😅 Please, no right thinking person would take Jesus Pbuh as his God.  But Allah/Elohim never changes and He is far greater than you can imagine. Allahu Akbar❗😃

One Jesus yet Two Contradictory Statements

 ðŸ˜‚😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 And you want us to believe the Bible is the word of God! It's a book of contradiction and confusion. I know holy spirit covers the eyes not to see things clearly and that's why christians will come here arguing that there's no contradiction here 😂😂😂😂😂. When a christian quotes a verse, that's okay by them but when you quote a verse that contradicts what they have been programmed to believe, they'll either say you don't understand the context, or you lack the Holy Spirit to understand or they even argue and contradict the verse with another contradictory verse since the bible is a book of contradiction and confusion!


If you insisted your modern books is the one Quran refereed us boom give us a verse where Jesus or the Biblical writers with help of Holyspirit named your book Bible? Noise maker give me a verse where your book is named Bible? Or please show which Bool did Quran refer us too? Since you failed to preserved and you promoted alteration and tempering century by century. 1. We have 61 Books in the Syrianic Version. 2. We have 66 Books in the Protestant Version. 3. We have 73 Books in the Roman Catholic Version. 4. We have 75 Books in the Coptic Version. 5. We have 76 Books in the Charismatic Version. 6. We have 78 Books in the Greek Orthodox Version. 7. We have 81 Books in the Ethiopic Version. 8. We have 86 Books in the Orthodox Version. THE OTHER VERSIONS ARE: 9. We have the Satanic Bible or Version. 10. We have King James Version of 1611. 11. We have New King James Version. 12. We have Revised Standard Version of 1952. 13. We have Revised Standard Version of 1971. 14. We have Internation...

Bible Contradictions Part 1

 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Psalm 104:5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. Ecclesiastes 1:4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.  KJV