If Satan/devil have been cursed by the real God for his evil against humanity, whoever later than were cursed again by the same real creator, must be the same evil with the Satan/devil. Only an opinionated fool will dispute that. 1.) The Christian's Bible told us that, ''WHOEVER WAS CRUCIFIED IS A CURSED OF GOD''. DEUT. 21:23. 2.) The same Bible also told us that, Jesus the god of Christians was hanged by crucifixion, and died. MARK 15:24, LUKE 23:33, JOHN 19:18, MATTEW 27:35. 3.) The same Bible also told us even clearly that Jesus Christ, who Christians are worshiping as their God have been a curse man. GALATIANS 3:13, DEUT. 21:23, 4.) The bible also told us that; ''ANY FALSE CHRIST, AND PROPHET, IS GOING TO BE MET WITH HORRIBLE DEATH.'' DEUT 18:20. Christian’s god Jesus Christ also met with the said horrible death, died violently, isn't he? 5.) The Bible told us that, false Christ and prophets will be showering wonderful miracles with which t...